Article archive
Add node to XML file
20/03/2012 09:56
#write to owstimer.exe.config
$content='<!--<add key="GBPSubsite" value="sites/test"/>-->
<add key="GBPSubsite" value="gbp/portal" />
<!--<add key="MatMasExtendedLogging" value="true"/>-->
Adding all installed languages to web
31/01/2012 17:59
$webUrl = "https://yoursitecollectionweb"
$web = $null #in case of troubles
$web = Get-SPWeb $webUrl
#find out what is already turned on, if not multilingual, set it up
#Turn on englisn language
$culture = New-Object...
Search all closed web parts
28/01/2012 22:07
function Search-SPClosedWebParts
Finds instances of closed web parts on SharePoint site and sub-sites.
Finds instances of closed web parts on SharePoint site and sub-sites.
SiteUrl to search for closed web parts
Run powershell script from batch file
28/01/2012 14:59
Rem Calling powershell script from destination folder C:\GBP.Install
@echo off
rem cd C:\GBP.Install
cd "c:\Documents and Settings\Lukas\My Documents\P_R_O_G_R_A_MOVANIE\powerShell"
powershell .\choiceMenu.ps1
set stop=
set /p stop=Finished %=%
Export library/list menu Ready to test
28/01/2012 14:47
#Input parameters
#libraries to export: Category Cards
$libName="Category Cards"
#lists to export:...
Import termsets menu script
28/01/2012 14:09
#this is only menu script, not really application, we are using SKG.Metadata.exe file to import termsets. Here we only call this function and delete termsets.
#input parameters
#termstore site url
#source folder with folders with termsets (all...
Get Physical root of Web application
26/01/2012 11:43
$server = "localhost"
$siteName = (get-spWebApplication $url).DisplayName
$iis = [ADSI] "IIS://$server/W3SVC"
$site = $iis.psbase.children | where {$_.schemaClassName -eq "IIsWebServer" -AND $_.ServerComment -eq $siteName}
$path = $site.psbase.children | where...
Export list / library function
24/01/2012 08:51
#Input parameters
#libraries to export: Category Cards
$libName="Category Cards"
#lists to export:...
Install Certificates
23/01/2012 22:58
#install certificates
#source folder for certificates
#set of certificates
$certificates=@("first.cer", "second.der", "third.cer", "fourth.der")
foreach($c in $certificates)
Metadata Service Permission configuration - termstore access
22/01/2012 19:25
Managed Metadata Service Permissions configuration
Powershell Script :->
Write-Output “Managed Metadata Service Application Permissions”
$spapp = Get-SPServiceApplication -Name “Managed Metadata Service”
$spguid = $
$security = Get-SPServiceApplicationSecurity $spguid...
Items: 341 - 350 of 384