Article archive

How to close all open files from folder

07/01/2012 00:39
echo off rem Close all files in folder open by "OpenFiles.bat" rem nastavenie cesty k officu PATH "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11";%path% set currdir=%cd% for %%a in ("%currdir%\*.*") do if not %%~xa==.bat taskkill /fi "windowtitle eq %%~na*"  

Remove Site Collection

07/01/2012 00:34
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' Start-SPAssignment -Global    # This cmdlet takes care of the disposable objects to prevent memory leak. function Uninstall-AllSPSolutions {     param...

How to open all files in folder

06/01/2012 23:02
1. Create batch file and paste this text into it. 2. Change the PATH value for path to your Microsoft Office products destination (if you are going to open office files). 3. Put this batch file in your folder and run it.   @echo off rem Open all files in folder except of *.bat...

Create Site Collection

06/01/2012 22:59
function CreateSiteCollection {     param(         [String]$siteUrl,         [String]$admin,        ...
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