Article archive

Create single row and properites word table

20/01/2013 11:23
#Create word table for Single Row With Header #returns last row position used by this table function...

jQuery basics

19/01/2013 03:01
Include jQuery online (or use your web application path) in <header> tag <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script src=""...

The secure sockets layer (SSL) certificate sent by the server was invalid and this item will not be crawled.

18/01/2013 17:35
The secure sockets layer (SSL) certificate sent by the server was invalid and this item will not be crawled.   Solution:  Go to Central Administration > Application Management > Manage services on server >  Sharepoint Server Search and set it to ignore SSL warnings. Repeat...

The URL of the item could not be resolved. The repository might be unavailable

18/01/2013 17:31
Crawling error in Crawl log   The URL of the item could not be resolved. The repository might be unavailable, or the crawler proxy settings are not configured. To configure the crawler proxy settings, use Search Administration page.   Soluiton: Add web application header (url without...

Setup Sharepoint Search by Powershell

18/01/2013 17:13
#Search Settings $searchAppName="Search Service Application" $hostsPath="C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts" $scopeName="LukasScope" $scopeDescription="Lukas custom scope" #where to search (relative path) $searchLbraryUrl="/Pages" #which Content Type Should be...

Hash table in powershell

18/01/2013 15:11
#array of hash table $crawledProperties = (@{Name="ows_ChamLukasArticleDate"; VariantType=64},          @{Name="ows_PublishingPageContent"; VariantType=31},          @{Name="ows_ChamLukasCategory";...

Remove slash from url

16/01/2013 13:57
#or there is mutch easiest way to do it with simple :) $url.TrimEnd('/')   function RemoveLastSlashFromUrl($url) {       if($url.LastIndexOf("/")+1 -eq $url.Length)     {         $newUrl=$url.substring(0,...

Compare powershell arrays

13/01/2013 09:08
$a=@("a", "b", "c") $b=@("x", "y", "z", "c", "u", "p", "i", "a"); $c=@("a", "b", "c") $d=@("d", "e", "f") $a Write-Host "----" $b Write-Host "----" $aUnique = Compare-Object $a $b | Where-Object {$_.SideIndicator -eq "<="} $bUnique = Compare-Object $a $b | Where-Object {$_.SideIndicator -eq...

Join arrays together

12/01/2013 12:50
#Joining arrays in powershell, use + operator $a=(1,2,3) $b=(4,5,6,7) $c=($a, $b) $d=$a+$b Write-Host "array c, length is 2" $c Write-Host "array d, length is 7" $d Write-Host "============"   array c, length is 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 array d, length is 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ============  

Create powrshell variables in a loop

12/01/2013 01:13
#Create variables with specific names in a loop #Create variables list $variableNames=@("first", "second", "third", "fourth") $variableList=@() $i=1 foreach($varName in $variableNames) {     if(Test-Path ("variable:\" +...
Items: 211 - 220 of 384
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