Article archive
Get field value from Sharepoint list item
08/10/2013 14:00
Common functions for getting/setting sharepoint list item field value
public static void SetValueToListItem(SPItem item, string fieldStaticName, object...
background image
04/10/2013 12:41
Background image in DIV element
<title>Banner test</title>
.bg {
background-image: url(;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
width: 310 px;
height: 310 px;
Replace multiple strings in file
20/09/2013 17:48
#Replace multiple strings in file
#Save it to another file
Get-Content "c:\myfile.txt") | Foreach-Object {
$_ -replace "person", "user" `
-replace "Place",...
Online Tools
03/09/2013 18:01
JavaScript, Css, JQuery
Pretty print Xml online
Create Powershell profile
31/08/2013 11:52
Create 'Microsoft.Powershell_profile.ps1' file in 'c:\Users\your.account\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\' folder (create if doesn't exist).
Use file for your most common functions.
Profile will be loaded when openin Powershell console and your functions will be available.
Build Visual Studio project by Powershell
31/08/2013 11:48
#Build Visual Studio Project
function Build($ProjectPath, $rebuildParam)
$buildOutput = & $MSBuildPath $ProjectPath $rebuildParam
#find 'Error(s)/Warning(s)' text in buildOutput, take first part(number as string) and convert it to...
Remove item from array
31/08/2013 11:20
#Convert array to ArrayList to use 'Remove' function
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$array = @("first", "second", "third", "fourth")
$arrayBefore = $array #this creates connection - when removed from array, removed also from arrayBefore
$nextArray = $array.Clone() #creates copy without...
Find control recursive
19/08/2013 13:49
private Control FindControlRecursive(Control parentControl, string controlId)
Control foundControl = null;
if (parentControl.Controls != null && parentControl.Controls.Count >...
Checkout file from TFS by Powershell
17/08/2013 13:34
$filePath = "c:\myFile.txt"
Set-Alias tfs "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\tf.exe"
tfs checkout $filePath
Check absolute path in powershell
06/08/2013 14:54
Check if file or folder path is absolute or relative
Items: 171 - 180 of 384