Visual Upgrade to SP2013

12/02/2014 11:44

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Sharepoint.Powershell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$ErrorActionPreference = "Continue"
$now = Get-Date

$xmlFilePath = "C:\yourOutputFile.txt"; #ouput from stsadm -o enumsites
$csvLogFileName = "VisualUpgraded.txt"
$csvLogSkipped = "VisualUpgradeSkipped.txt"

function Heading($inputText)
    $color = "Green"
    write-host "=============================================" -ForegroundColor $color
    Write-Host $inputText -ForegroundColor $color
    write-host "=============================================" -ForegroundColor $color

#Read Xml file
if(-not(Test-Path $xmlFilePath))
    "File '{0}' not found." -f $xmlFilePath
$xml = [xml](Get-content $xmlFilePath)
$xSites = $xml.SelectNodes("Sites/Site")
$count = $xSites.Count.ToString();

#Add header only if file doesnt exist, else continue to existing file
if(-not(Test-Path $csvLogFileName))
   "DatabaseName,StorageUsedMB,SiteUrl,SqlServerName,Time" > $csvLogFileName
if(-not(Test-Path $csvLogSkipped))
   "Message,SiteUrl,Time" > $csvLogSkipped

"=======================================================" >> $csvLogFileName
"=======================================================" >> $csvLogSkipped

$i = 0
$startIndex =  0 #$xSites.count #, use 0 if you want to start from beginning (and update ($i -eq $startIndex) sign to -eq, -gt ... in conndition)
#loop in case of starting from the middle in crash scenario
foreach($xSite in $xSites)
    if ($xSite.Url -eq "https://yourStartSiteCollection")
        Write-Host "Start found: " $xSite.Url
        $startIndex = $i
    if($i -ge $startIndex) #use -eq here for only one collection
        $siteUrl = $xSite.Url
        $heading = ("{0}/{1}    {2}" -f ($i+1), $count, $siteUrl).ToString()
        Heading $heading
        $existingSite = Get-SPSite -limit All | where {$_.Name -match $siteUrl}

        if($existingSite -eq $null)
            "Site '{0}' doesn't exist." -f $siteUrl
             ("Doesn't exist, {0},{1}" -f $siteUrl, (Get-Date))  >> $csvLogSkipped
           $result = Test-SPSite $siteUrl
           if ($result.FailedErrorCount -ne 0)
               ("Error, {0},{1}" -f $siteUrl, (Get-Date))  >> $csvLogSkipped
                Upgrade-SPSite $siteUrl -VersionUpgrade
                ("{0},{1},{2},{3}" -f $xSite.ContentDatabase, $xSite.StorageUsedMB,$siteUrl,(Get-Date)) >> $csvLogFileName
    #Read-Host "Press any key to continue..." #use his stop to check before proceeding

$duration = (Get-Date) - $now
"{0}h:{1}min:{2}s" -f $duration.Hours, $duration.Minutes, $duration.Seconds