Search Configuration
#Post Deployment Settings
#1. Site Collection Search Setting: Do not use custom scopes
#2. Creating dummy content, one FAQ and one Category Card (to create crawled properties)
#3. Search Index Reset and start full crawl
#4. Creating 'category cards' and 'faq' search scope with rules
#5. Creating managed properties and mapping
#6. Start full Crawl
#7. Remove dummy content
#8. Update scopes
#======================= one function to get input parameters and snapin ===================
#if input parameter is collection, function enables choice
function SelectChoice
if(($options.length -gt 1))
write-host "======================================================="
write-host "There are more options of parameter, choose the number."
write-host "======================================================="
for($i=0; $i -le $options.length-1; $i++)
write-host ($i+1) ". " $options[$i]
$index=read-host "Select the option number."
#write-host "You selected number "$index " with value " $options[$index-1]
return $result
#write-host "They are no choices, only this one value: "$options[0]
return $result
# check to ensure Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell is loaded
$snapin=Get-PSSnapin | Where-Object {
$_.Name -eq 'Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell'}
if ($snapin -eq $null) {
Write-Host "Loading SharePoint Powershell Snapin"
Add-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell"
#Set Site collection Url
if(($siteUrl -eq $null) -or ($siteUrl -eq ""))
#set default search service application name
if($searchAppName -eq $null -or $searchAppName -eq '')
$app=SelectChoice -option $app
write-host "You have chosen " $app.Name
#set path to dummy .aspx files for Category Card and FAQ
#====================== FUNCTIONS ===================================
function UploadFile #upload file to pages library, check in, publish, approve
$web=get-spweb $subsiteUrl
$file=get-childitem ($srcPath + "\" + $fileName)
$files.Add(($subsiteUrl+"/Pages/" + $fileName), $file.OpenRead(), $true)|out-null
$files[$fileName].checkIn("checked in by Powershell")
$files[$fileName].publish("published by Powershell")
start-sleep -s 2
$files[$fileName].Item.File.Approve("Approved by Powershell")
write-host $fileName " was uploaded and approved."
function StartFullCrawl
$searchapp = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication $searchAppName
$CrawlContent = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication $searchapp| Get-SPEnterpriseSearchCrawlContentSource
if ( $CrawlContent.CrawlStatus -eq "Idle" )
while ($CrawlContent.CrawlStatus -ne "Idle")
start-sleep -s 60 #wait one minute
write-host $CrawlContent.CrawlStatus
write-host "Full crawl finished."
function GetServerFromUrl(
$server=$url.substring(0, $short.IndexOf('/')+$first+2)
return $server
function GetSiteFromUrl(
$site=$short.substring($index+1, $short.length-$index-1)
return $site
function CreateSearchScope
#calculated urls
$server=GetServerFromUrl $siteUrl
$site=GetSiteFromUrl $siteUrl
#scope parameters
$scopeUrl= $server +"/"+ $site + $libraryLocation #"/CategoryCards/Pages"
#$scopeName="category cards_fromPS"
#$scopeDescription="Category Card library"
# check to ensure Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell is loaded
$snapin=Get-PSSnapin | Where-Object {
$_.Name -eq 'Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell'}
if ($snapin -eq $null) {
Write-Host "Loading SharePoint Powershell Snapin"
Add-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell"
$searchapp = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication $searchAppName
$category = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchMetadataCategory –Identity SharePoint -SearchApplication $searchapp
#if scope exists, delete and create new
$scope = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchQueryScope -Identity $scopeName -SearchApplication $searchapp -ea 0
if($scope -ne $null) #if scope exists, delete
write-host $scopeName " scope already exist in " $searchAppName ", deleting..."
Remove-SPEnterpriseSearchQueryScope -Identity $scopeName -SearchApplication $searchapp -Confirm:$false
write-host $scopeName " scope has been successfuly removed from " $searchAppName "."
#Scope doesn't exis, create
write-host $scopeName " scope doesn't exist in " $searchAppName ", creating..."
$searchapp | New-SPEnterpriseSearchQueryScope -Name $scopeName -Description $scopeDescription -DisplayInAdminUI $true|out-null
$scope = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchQueryScope -Identity $scopeName -SearchApplication $searchapp
$scopeRule = New-SPEnterpriseSearchQueryScopeRule -RuleType Url -MatchingString $scopeUrl -UrlScopeRuleType "Folder" -FilterBehavior "Include" -Url $server -Scope $scope
$scopeRule = New-SPEnterpriseSearchQueryScopeRule -RuleType Url -MatchingString ($scopeUrl+ "/Forms") -UrlScopeRuleType "Folder" -FilterBehavior "Exclude" -Url $server -Scope $scope
write-host $scopeName " scope has been successfuly created in " $searchAppName "."
} #end function
function CreateManagedProperty
#set default value for search application
if($searchAppName -eq $null -or $searchAppName -eq '')
$searchAppName = 'Enterprise Search Service Application'
# check to ensure Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell is loaded
$snapin=Get-PSSnapin | Where-Object {
$_.Name -eq 'Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell'}
if ($snapin -eq $null) {
Write-Host "Loading SharePoint Powershell Snapin"
Add-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell"
$searchapp = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication $searchAppName
#$category = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchMetadataCategory –Identity SharePoint -SearchApplication $searchapp
$crawledproperty = New-SPEnterpriseSearchMetadataCrawledProperty -SearchApplication $searchapp -Category $category -VariantType 31 -PropSet "00130329-0000-0130-c000-000000131346" -Name $crawledPropertyName -IsNameEnum $false
$managedproperty=Get-SPEnterpriseSearchMetadataManagedProperty -SearchApplication $searchapp -Identity $managedPropertyName -ea 0
if($managedproperty -ne $null) #if managed property exists, remove it
#managed property doesn't exist, create
$managedproperty = New-SPEnterpriseSearchMetadataManagedProperty -SearchApplication $searchapp -Name $managedPropertyName -Type 1 -EnabledForScoping 1
New-SPEnterpriseSearchMetadataMapping -SearchApplication $searchapp -ManagedProperty $managedproperty -CrawledProperty $crawledproperty
} #end function
function RemoveFile
param( [string]$fileName,
$web=get-spweb $subsiteUrl
if($file -ne $null)
write-host $fileName " was deleted."
#$files.Add(($subsiteUrl+"/Pages/" + $fileName), $file.OpenRead(), $true)
#$files[$fileName].checkIn("checked in by Powershell")
#$files[$fileName].publish("published by Powershell")
function Update-Scopes($siteUrl)
[void][reflection.assembly]::Loadwithpartialname("Microsoft.SharePoint") | out-null
[void][reflection.assembly]::Loadwithpartialname("") | out-null
$s = [microsoft.sharepoint.spsite]$siteUrl
$sc = []::GetContext($s)
$search = [Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.SearchContext]::GetContext($sc)
$scopes = []$search
while ($scopes.CompilationPercentComplete -lt 100) { sleep -seconds 3; write-host "$($scopes.CompilationPercentComplete)% complete" }
#================== code ========================
#Setting summary
write-host ""
write-host "***************** SEARCH SETTINGS SUMMARY ========================"
write-host ""
write-host "1. Site Collection Search Setting: Do not use custom scopes"
write-host "2. Creating dummy content, one FAQ and one Category Card (to create crawled properties)"
write-host "3. Search Index Reset and start full crawl"
write-host "4. Creating 'category cards' and 'faq' search scope with rules"
write-host "5. Creating managed properties and mapping"
write-host "6. Start full Crawl"
write-host "7. Remove dummy content"
write-host "8. Update scopes#Summary of setting"
write-host ""
#1. Site Collection Search Setting: Do not use custom scopes
$web=get-spweb $siteUrl
write-host "1. Do not use custom scopes setting: OK"
#2. Creating dummy content, one FAQ and one Category Card (to create crawled properties)
write-host "2. Creating dummy content, one FAQ and one Category Card (to create crawled properties)"
UploadFile -srcPath $srcPath -fileName $faqFileName -subsiteUrl ($siteUrl +"/helpdesk/faq")
UploadFile -srcPath $srcPath -fileName $ccFileName -subsiteUrl ($siteUrl +"/CategoryCards")
write-host ""
#3. Search Index Reset
write-host "3. Search Index Reset and full crawl"
$searchapp = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication $searchAppName
#Reset index with the following options in brackets:
#Disable Alerts $true/$false
#Ignore unreachable server $true/$false
Write-Host "Attempting to reset the index...please wait"
$searchapp.Reset($false, $false)
Write-Host "Index successfully reset"
Write-Host "There was a problem resetting the index:" $_ -ForegroundColor Red
StartFullCrawl -searchAppName $searchAppName
write-host ""
#4. Creating 'category cards' and 'faq' search scope with rules
write-host "4. Creating 'category cards' and 'faq' search scope with rules"
CreateSearchScope -siteUrl $siteUrl -searchAppName $searchAppName -scopeName "category cards" -libraryLocation "/CategoryCards/Pages" -scopeDescription "Category cards library"
CreateSearchScope -siteUrl $siteUrl -searchAppName $searchAppName -scopeName "faq" -libraryLocation "/Helpdesk/faq/Pages" -scopeDescription "FAQs library"
write-host ""
#5. Creating managed properties and mapping
write-host "5. Creating managed properties and mapping"
CreateManagedProperty -searchAppName $searchAppName -managedPropertyName "categorycard" -crawledpropertyName "ows_AvanadeGBPTaxonomy"
CreateManagedProperty -searchAppName $searchAppName -managedPropertyName "categorytags" -crawledpropertyName "ows_Avanade_x002d_GBP_x002d_CategoryCardTags"
CreateManagedProperty -searchAppName $searchAppName -managedPropertyName "faqtopic" -crawledpropertyName "ows_GBPFaqTopic"
CreateManagedProperty -searchAppName $searchAppName -managedPropertyName "faqquestion" -crawledpropertyName "ows_GBPFaqQuestion"
CreateManagedProperty -searchAppName $searchAppName -managedPropertyName "faqbusinessunit" -crawledpropertyName "ows_GBPusinessUnit"
CreateManagedProperty -searchAppName $searchAppName -managedPropertyName "pagelanguage" -crawledpropertyName "ows_Avanade_x002d_GBP_x002d_PageLanguage"
write-host ""
#6. Start full Crawl
write-host "6. Start full Crawl"
StartFullCrawl -searchAppName $searchAppName
write-host ""
#7. Remove dummy content
write-host "7. Remove dummy content"
RemoveFile -fileName $faqFileName -subsiteUrl ($siteUrl +"/helpdesk/faq")
RemoveFile -fileName $ccFileName -subsiteUrl ($siteUrl +"/CategoryCards")
write-host ""
#8. Update scopes
write-host "8. Update scopes"
write-host ""
read-host "Search settings completed. Press Enter to close the window."