Remove, Add and Deploy Single solution
#Uninstall and remove one solution, later adds new one
$solutionName=read-host "Input solution name to remove (e. g. sitecollection.wsp)"
$solution=Get-SPSolution | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $solutionName}
if($solution -eq $null)
write-host "Solution " $solution " doesn't exist."
else #if solution exists
Start-SPAssignment -Global;
write-host "Uninstalling Solution " $solution.Name;
if($solution.DeployedWebApplications.Count -gt 0)
Uninstall-SPSolution $solution –AllWebApplications -Local:$Local -Confirm:$false;
Uninstall-SPSolution $solution -Local:$Local -Confirm:$false;
do {
Start-Sleep 5;
$solution = Get-SPSolution $solution;
while($solution.JobExists -and $solution.Deployed)
write-host "Removing Solution " $solution.Name;
Remove-SPSolution -Confirm:$false
write-host "Solution " $solutionName " was succesfuly removed."
Stop-SPAssignment -Global;
read-host "Replace your package in C:\GBP.Install folder and when you are ready, press Enter to deploy it..."
$sourceDir="C:\GBP.Install\" + $solutionName
write-host "Adding " $solutionName " solution..."
Add-SPSolution $sourceDir
write-host "Solution " $solutionName " was succesfuly added."
write-host "Deploying " $solutionName " solution..."
Install-SPSolution –Identity $solutionName –WebApplication $webAppUrl -GACDeployment -force
write-host "Solution " $solutionName " was succesfuly deployed."