Moving Nintex workflow between environments

20/03/2015 13:11

Moving Nintex workflow between environments could be tricky. There are some good practices to keep to make it easier.

Exported workflow represents .nwf file what is actually xml file with all workflow definitions.

- Use workflow constants and variables (to don't need to replace the same string in different workflow places)

- For users use SP Groups if possible (in new environment you can have different domain or users, but if you use the same name of groups, workflow will work as expected)

- If you use Query List action, use CAML Builder and replace List ID with List Title (e. g. autogenerated

 <List  ID="{F256D466-9A85-4E4C-AEF2-5CBE75343569}" />

replace with
 <List Title="Your list title" />

and save. Then there is no list id in .nwf file and there is no problem with publishing workflow in other environment if list with the same name exists.