Modify custom properties toolpart order
05/10/2012 23:23
//Override GetToolParts method in web part class
public override ToolPart[] GetToolParts()
//Get all toolparts
ToolPart[] toolparts = base.GetToolParts();
// resize the tool part array
//ToolPart[] toolparts = new ToolPart[4];
// instantiate the standard SharePopint tool part
// WebPartToolPart wptp = new WebPartToolPart();
// instantiate the custom property toolpart if needed.
// this object is what renders our regular properties.
//CustomPropertyToolPart custom = new CustomPropertyToolPart();
// instantiate and add our tool part to the array.
// tool parts will render in the order they are added to this array.
//toolparts[1] = new LukasToolPart();
//toolparts[2] = new LukasToolPartCheckBox();
//toolparts[3] = custom;
//toolparts[0] = wptp;
//Set our 'properties' toolpart as first
return SetToolpartPosition(toolparts, 1);
/// <summary>
/// Sets custom properties toolpart position toolparts array
/// </summary>
/// <param name="toolparts">array of toolparts(from wp)</param>
/// <param name="position">desired position</param>
/// <returns>array of ToolParts</returns>
public ToolPart[] SetToolpartPosition(
ToolPart[] toolparts,
int position)
int index = position - 1;
if ((index >= 0) && (index <= toolparts.Length))
ToolPart oldPart = toolparts[index];
ToolPart newPart = Array.Find<ToolPart>(toolparts, isToolpartName);
//if any toolpart 'Properties' found, no order change
if (newPart != null)
int newPartIndex = Array.IndexOf(toolparts, newPart);
toolparts[index] = newPart;
toolparts[newPartIndex] = oldPart;
//if index is not valid, no toolpart order change
return toolparts;
private bool isToolpartName(ToolPart toolpart)
if (toolpart.Title == "Properties")
return true;
return false;