Get web part object with properties
21/10/2012 14:14
$assembly=[void][reflection.assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c")
#you have to get the web, where is your web part
$site = Get-SPSite -Identity $serverUrl
$web = $site.RootWeb
#initialize the webpart-manager and locate it to the page
$webpartmanager = $web.GetLimitedWebPartManager("https://fastlanessl/Pages/default.aspx", [System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope]::Shared)
#see list of web parts on the page
#see selected web part on the page
$webpart = $webpartmanager.WebParts[0]
#see selected web part properties (web browsable)
#$webpart|format-table #use from command line
#see concrete property value of wp (e. g.'ConfigurationListuGuid' property)
$webpart.ConfigurationListGuid (#this is custom web browsable property)