Download farm solution

28/04/2013 11:07

If you need to look inside wsp package from farm solution, you have to download it.


function Download-FarmSolution
  [string] $WspName,
  [string] $Destination,
  [switch] $Replace
 begin {}
  if (!(Test-Path -LiteralPath $Destination))
   $void = New-Item $Destination -ItemType 'directory'
  $farm = Get-SPFarm
  $solution = $farm.Solutions | where {$_.Name -eq $WspName}
  if($solution) {
   $file = $solution.SolutionFile
   $downloadedFileName = Join-Path -Path $Destination -ChildPath $WspName
   if(Test-Path -Path $downloadedFileName)
     $void = Remove-Item $downloadedFileName -Confirm:$false
   Write-Verbose ("File '{0}' was downloaded to '{1}'" -f $WspName, $Destination)
   Write-Output $downloadedFileName
 end {}


#Downloads 'myCustom.wsp' farm solution to c:/temp

Download-FarmSolution -Destination c:\temp -WspName myCustom.wsp


#Downloads all solutions what name match 'custom' c:\temp
Get-SPSolution | where {$_.Name -match "custom"} | select -ExpandProperty Name | Download-FarmSolution -Destination c:\temp