Fill sharepoint list with lookup field

14/09/2012 23:08

function DefineLookupValue


    param ([object]$sourceList, [string] $fieldName, [string]$value)



        #prepare lookup value-getting Id of 'Section' from another list

        $spQuery = new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPQuery

        $camlQuery = "<Where>


                <FieldRef Name='" + $fieldName + "' />

                <Value Type='Text'>"+$value+"</Value>



        $spQuery.Query = $camlQuery

        $spQuery.RowLimit = 1


        $spListItemCollection = $sourceList.GetItems($spQuery)

        if($spListItemCollection.Count -ne 0)


            $returnValue=$spListItemCollection[0].Id.ToString() +";#" + $value

            return $returnValue




            write-host "Value "$value " was not found in " $sourceList "." -ForegroundColor "red"


            return ""



    catch [Exception]


        write-error $_

        return ""




function ListItemExists


    param ([object]$sourceList, [string] $fieldName, [string]$value)



        #prepare lookup value-getting Id of 'Section' from another list

        $spQuery = new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPQuery

        $camlQuery = "<Where>


                <FieldRef Name='"+ $fieldName + "' />

                    <Value Type='Text'>"+$value+"</Value>



        $spQuery.Query = $camlQuery

        $spQuery.RowLimit = 1


        $spListItemCollection = $sourceList.GetItems($spQuery)

        if($spListItemCollection.Count -ne 0)


            write-host "Item '" $value "' is already present in the list '" $sourceList.Title "'"

            return $true




            return $false



    catch [Exception]


        write-error $_

        return $false




function FindListItem


    param ([object]$sourceList, [string] $fieldName, [string]$value)



        #prepare lookup value-getting Id of 'Section' from another list

        $spQuery = new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPQuery

        $camlQuery = "<Where>


                <FieldRef Name='"+ $fieldName + "' />

                    <Value Type='Text'>"+$value+"</Value>



        $spQuery.Query = $camlQuery

        $spQuery.RowLimit = 1


        $spListItemCollection = $sourceList.GetItems($spQuery)

        if($spListItemCollection.Count -ne 0)


            return $spListItemCollection[0]




            return $null



    catch [Exception]


        write-error $_

        return $null




function DefineLookupValueMulti


    param ([object]$sourceList, [string] $fieldName, [string]$value)



        if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($value))




            foreach($tag in $tags)



                #prepare lookup value-getting Id of 'Section' from another list

                $spQuery = new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPQuery

                $camlQuery = "<Where>


                        <FieldRef Name='"+ $fieldName +"' />

                            <Value Type='Text'>"+ $tag +"</Value>



                $spQuery.Query = $camlQuery

                $spQuery.RowLimit = 1


                $spListItemCollection = $sourceList.GetItems($spQuery)

                if($spListItemCollection.Count -ne 0)


                    $addTag=$spListItemCollection[0].Id.ToString() +";#" + $tag

                    $result+=$addTag + ";#"




                    write-host "Value "$tag " was not found in " $sourceList "."



            #remove last ; from string

            $result = $result.substring(0,$result.length-2)

            return $result


        else #if no value specified


            return [string]::Empty



    catch [Exception]


        write-error $_

        return ""

