Create TFS work items by Powershell

09/10/2012 20:46

#Use of client servers

[psobject] $tfs = [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.TeamFoundationServerFactory]::GetServer(“https://server/tfs/defaultCollection")
#Get work item by Id - if doesn't exist, throws exception
#Create Task
 $item = new-object Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.WorkItem $type
 $item.Title = “External Video: Dummy Task by Powershell"
 $item.AreaPath = “SomeArea\12. External Video"
 $item.IterationPath = “SomeArea\Release 1\Sprint 12"
 $item.Description = "This task was created by Powershell as test to improve sprint planning with repeating tasks."
#Delete work item by id (only if you have permission)
Set-Alias -Name witadmin -Value 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\witadmin.exe'
#In general:
#witadmin destroywi /collection:[project collection URL] /id:[work item ID]
#Concrete example:
witadmin destroywi /collection:https://server/tfs/defaultCollection" /id:1363 /noprompt
#View item links - work item links
#General links - to change sets etc.
#Link work item - set item 391 as parent for 1363
$linkType = $WorkItemStore.WorkItemLinkTypes[[Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.CoreLinkTypeReferenceNames]::Hierarchy]
$link = new-object Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.WorkItemLink($linkType.ReverseEnd, 391) #391 is id of parent
#myScript - create Task as child of other work item and fill values.
#input parameters
$areaPath=“SomeArea\12. External Video"
$iterationPath=“SomeArea\Release 1\Sprint 12"

#takes component name from areaPath (e. g. External Video)

#load assemblies

#get TFS structure, project
[psobject] $tfs = [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.TeamFoundationServerFactory]::GetServer(“https://server/tfs/defaultCollection")

#create parent-child relationship
$linkType = $WorkItemStore.WorkItemLinkTypes[[Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.CoreLinkTypeReferenceNames]::Hierarchy]
$link = new-object Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.WorkItemLink($linkType.ReverseEnd, $parentId) #391 is id of parent

#create Task
 $item = new-object Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.WorkItem $type
 #set properties
 #properties from common file - different for each item
 $item.Title = [string]::format(“{0}: Dummy Task 3 by Powershell", $prefix)
 $item.Description = "Test of writing backlog priority and Remaining Work."
 #fill custom fields
 $item.Fields["Backlog Priority"].Value = $defaultPriority
 $item.Fields["Remaining Work"].Value = 4
 #properties from input parameters - common for all items
 $item.AreaPath = $areaPath
 $item.IterationPath = $iterationPath
 #save task