C# for Sharepoint 2010

Set content type field order programmaticaly

07/11/2019 14:11
Method reorder is used. Following method covers the scenario, when we already have content type, we...

Add additional lookup to SharePoint field programmatically

07/11/2019 14:07
Primary field is the existing lookup field in list. It shows value from target field, but if we...

Convert List<string> items to string with separator

13/07/2017 13:21
public static string BuildStringFromList(List<string> list, string separator =...

UserProfileManager in Sharepoint Timer job

15/12/2015 04:38
Get service context from site, not from httpContext as usual     SPServiceContext...

Parse query string

17/06/2015 15:02
using System.Web;  string queryString =...

Get domain account from Person field

16/07/2014 11:49
  //If you have Sharepoint field of Person type (SPUser, people picker), you cannot read login...

Create file on sharepoint

02/07/2014 15:56
//Create file from scratch - from memory stream using (StreamWriter writer = new...

Select distinct items from List

30/04/2014 14:53
MyObject has Id propertyList<MyObject> financials = financials.GroupBy(m => m.Id).Select(g...

Select properties from list items

02/04/2014 11:58
///get id and task display name from SPListItemCollection public static Dictionary<int,...

Add node to QuickLaunch

24/03/2014 11:35
   static void Main(string[] args)       ...
1 | 2 >>


Find control recursive

19/08/2013 13:49

Access modifiers

30/09/2012 11:05

Lambda expressions examples

29/09/2012 18:38

Toolpart Save Exception

27/09/2012 21:20

textbox press Enter event

09/05/2012 14:41
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