Common Xslt function

08/12/2012 11:13


if url starts with http

<xsl:when test="starts-with('','http')">




Replace text using translate(inText, what, with)

title is node value

{token} - text to replace

$days is variable

normalize-space is used to trim text


<xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(translate(title,'{token}',$days))"/>


BE CAREFUL HERE, IT'S NOT STANDARD REPLACEMENT. IF YOU WANT TO USE TOKEN, USE CHARACTER WHAT IS NOT USED IN TEXT, E. G. #, because some characters of text can disappear when are present in token.




count($Rows) or

<xsl:value-of select-"count(dsQueryResponse/Rows/Row)"/>

Result: 6



Concat('a', '_b', '_some text)

a_b_some text



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <Row Title="E_Blog1"/>
    <Row Title="A_Blog2"/>
    <Row Title="D_Blog3"/>
    <Row Title="B_Blog4"/>
    <Row Title="C_Blog5"/>
    <Row Title="F_Blog6"/>